Johnson Matthey - Together, for a cleaner, healthier world
#talentattraction #brand #website #video #socialJohnson Matthey are involved in some of the most ground-breaking engineering projects in the world, such as sustainable aviation fuels, blue and green hydrogen and the future of battery technologies. Finding talented catalyst technology engineers to help build a cleaner, healthier world was proving to be a real challenge for JM though – their skills set being extremely unique. We needed a new approach, one that would reach engineers in unexpected ways and across unexpected channels.

This was a hugely rewarding project for CA3. Spending time getting to know JM’s engineers, and what fuelled their passions for discovery and innovation was inspiring. So much so in fact, that early on in the creative process we decided it would be them, and their stories, that underpinned the entire recruitment campaign.
Like all of our award-winning campaigns, we used CA3’s strategic recruitment funnel. Stage one, Connect, built awareness through impactful video developed in line with their employer brand guidelines. Stage two, Consider, kept the conversation going in different ways across social media (including TikTok) and on their careers website which we filled with loads of rich content. Finally, stage three, Convert, used short video stings, featuring those JM’s engineers (like the one above), to re-target warm candidates and convert them into applications. And apply they did.
The campaign generated a strong 26,144 clicks from 2,178,292 impressions (a 1.2% CTR, peaking at 66% on LinkedIn), but what JM were most impressed by was the number and standard of applications. Indeed, the campaign had to be paused after four weeks in order for JM to interview over 100 strong engineering candidates. Three months later, JM had made over 30 new hires, and referred many more talented applicants to recruiters in other areas of the business.