#brand #website #video #social
#print #internalcomms
The Discover Healthcare brand was created to engage with students in South London (with a big emphasis on social mobility) and raise awareness of all the amazing careers available to them in health and science. At the heart of that brand was – a site designed to excite, educate and encourage young people to get involved in any of the wonderful initiatives KHP run. In under a year, it's created a community of almost 6,000 registered school kids who engage and interact with KHP on a regular basis.
If you asked your average 14-year-old what jobs are available in a hospital, most would answer 'doctors and nurses'. But these roles only scratch the surface of the number of incredible roles, and careers, available to young people in the NHS. King's Health Partners rightly wanted to change that.
King's Health Partners (KHP) initially approached us to build a youth website, but we felt quite strongly that a new brand was required. One that would build awareness over time, engage with students on their level and build a community that KHP could engage with regularly over the course of their education.
The beating heart of the brand was A responsive website that was designed mobile first – imperative when your target audience have their phones surgically attached to them. It's split into three key sections.
The Excite section was full of stories, and had one goal – to blow young minds. The Discover section then went on to tell them about what career path they needed in order get involved in that particular area of healthcare or science, and included loads of videos with people from KHP. Finally, duly engaged, the last section Get Involved, helped them to do just that.
Backing up the site was a plethora of on and offline comms and social media channels that CA3 helped manage (not to mention an army of content champions within KHP that we helped to train and educate in writing blog and social posts).
Right now, DHC has over 6,000 registered students from a broad spectrum of schools, representative of schools in areas of high deprivation. We have over 100 unique visits a day and our conversation rate (number of unique visitors who have registered) is 25%. That’s 20% higher than the industry standard.
We’ll leave the last word to Staynton Brown, Associate Director of Equality and Human Rights, at KHP.
“Discover Healthcare is one of the first employer led, social mobility and widening participation platforms in the UK. The feel and design of the site has made it incredibly attractive to young people, and we’ve seen a significant increase in the number of people getting involved in our initiatives.”